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Help For Alabama Residents

Hardship Resources

Safety Net Programs

There are a variety of state, federal, and local resources available for those in need of support. These resources are provided to assist people in a variety of hardships and circumstances. Note that the resources linked here are not provided directly by Instead, this page is intended to provide a starting point for finding the best help available for a variety of situations.

Local Information

Social programs and relief resources are often provided through a variety of government entities. The federal government often funds states, who in turn fund counties to provide relief for their residents. Sometimes, relief benefits and resources are administered directly at the federal level. In other cases, your state may directly grant benefits. But in many cases, you can access local resources at the city and/or county level. You may be able to take advantage of assistance and programs that are offered in your local area.

The following links provide information specific to your county. Simply click on the link, locate your county, and gain access to news, information, and hardship relief resources in your area. Additionally, sometimes simply entering your city name and the word "hardship" or "relief" in a search engine can help steer you in the right direction for your specific, local needs.

    General Guidance

    We know that hardship brings worry and stress. There is a ton of information out there and you may not know where to start. Fortunately, many entities, including creditors, lenders, service providers, legal entities, and more, are willing to provide assistance and leniency while you're working to figure things out.